social goals中文什么意思

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  1. Academic help - seeking : its relation to achievement goals , social goals , self - efficacy and academic achievement
  2. Past research on social goals , social behavior and peer relationships of children with learning disabilities mainly focused on each other ' s relationships
  3. In order to study the difference of children ' s goals , this research take situation method to use ambiguous provocation situation as instrument to study children ' s multiple social goals in reporting different behavior response
  4. With ideals of " achieving social goals through advancing technology " , mikrouna will continue to perfect product design , improve product quality , strengthen communication with customers and enhance technical services to be a world - leader
  5. Landscape architecture is about making life in some sense better . to the extend that it concerned with social matters and take account of some social goals , but it also pursues aesthetic goals . furthermore , both traditional politics and landscape architecture are now having to work out the place of new , ecologically derived goals like sustainability


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